Freedom from Guilt

Freedom From Guilt

From Wikipedia; Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse.

In simple words, you feel guilty when you think that you did something bad. Maybe you hurt someone’s feelings, or made a serious mistake. But maybe you didn’t do anything that bad, yet you still feel guilty about it. First step in dealing with guilt feelings is to figure out whether or not it is really appropriate for you to feel guilty. Best way to do this is to ask someone else, someone you can trust. Just the sharing of your feelings, all by itself, will help you feel much better.

Even if you really did something to feel guilty about, it is important to go through your bad feelings as quickly as possible, and to get on with your life. We all make mistakes. We all make some pretty serious mistakes. I could bore you for hours by telling you just a few of mine. But the biggest mistake you can possibly make is to dwell on your mistakes, and to keep feeling guilty long after it is useful or appropriate.

Guilt can actually be a very useful emotion. Something like your personal Jiminy Cricket, your personal conscience yelling in your ear whenever you are about to do something stupid. Being sensitive to the warning feelings of guilt is very helpful, and can keep you out of a lot of trouble. So use guilt as a welcome and friendly guide, and then go on to other things.


The purpose of your recording, “Relieve Guilt”, is to help you stop feeling bad about things that happened a while back, or that happened beyond your control, or that really had no relationship to you. Or things that were so minor that it is inappropriate to waste time feeling guilty about them.

Guilt is actually a learned habit. You can learn it from your parents or caretakers if they were judgmental and demanding. You can easily learn it from any religious training, particularly if you were raised Catholic or Jewish. An old joke…the Jews invented guilt and the Catholics perfected it.

Once you realize that you can free yourself from non-productive guilt, you automatically become more sensitive to the warning signs from your “guilt center” that enable you to avoid dangerous situations. You no longer need to fear your guilt feelings.

You may have difficulty letting go of guilt. Your guilt may be for things that happened recently or it may be for things that happened long ago. The impact of your guilt can range from discomfort in certain situations up to a sense of great despair. Please read this article carefully, and listen to your “Relieve Guilt” recording as often as you can…at least once a day. It will help you greatly.

If you suffer from extensive guilt feelings, it is probable that you have low self-esteem, that you put too much stock in others’ opinions and have a habit of worrying. You may also spend a lot of time thinking about the past, especially things that went wrong.

It is likely that you were raised by parents who were judgmental and critical, and that you were told repeatedly that it was not OK to express feelings like anger or sadness. As a result you shut down these “unacceptable” feelings.

Letting go of guilt is difficult. It takes time, as it involves strengthening some areas of your brain, and also developing new neural pathways. Just like it takes time to develop your body through weight training and workouts, it takes time to re-align your brain to free yourself from excessive guilt.


One of the first steps in relieving guilt it to identify the things or people that make you feel guilty. Make a list and carry it with you. Make a note every time you have guilt feelings, and note especially what memories come up at that time.

As you make your list ask yourself what you should have done, and how you failed.   Then examine each situation in terms of who you were then, and who you are now. Would you do the same kind of thing today? How do you feel about the situation now?

There are two principles here. The first is to accept the fact that you are imperfect. Just like all of us. You have made mistakes in the past, and will probably continue to make mistakes. So what! You are human, just like all of us. Time to move on. The second principle is to realize that you are older now and a lot smarter. You would behave differently. At the time, you were doing what seemed right to you, based on who you were at that time.

Shame is often associated with guilt. Shame means that you believe that there is really something basically wrong with yourself. Not that you did something wrong, but that you are a bad person. As you take steps to relieve your guilt feelings you will find that shame fades away at the same time.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself. Am I a guilt carrier? Do I have trouble forgiving myself for things that happened a while back? Do I feel that there is something basically wrong with me? Do I want to change this?

If you do, please start using your recording “Relieve Guilt” right away. Use it at least once a day in the beginning. Then notice how your life improves at many levels. Here is your download link;




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